Stalka Khan

Things to think about.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Again, Worst Blogger Ever

Hi, sorry, I'm in the process of moving to NYC and starting a new job, so I'm not going to be around too much to blog. So, to the three people that actually read this, please excuse the hiatus, and expect a mini re-launch in a week or two. :-)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Actual Original Stalkee

I have to say...I kind of lied when I said that Matt was the original stalkee. :-/ Not so much lied as forgot. I know, I know, how could I forget Melissa Roth?! She was the first person I stalked (unless I am forgetting others, which could very well be the case). Actually, it was more that I was stalking the association of which she was the president last year. But then she graduated and moved away and left me :-(. So my stalking has not been up to par. She started a job a few months ago as...and no, I am not making this up...a professional cheerleader! Well, kind of. She works for Americheer in Columbus, Ohio. She goes to all the events and everything. If there is anyone I know who would become a professional cheerleader post-college, it is Melissa.

I begged her to send me pictures of her at work, and she graciously agreed. This picture is one of the coolest things I have ever seen.

I should also mention that I'm the Founding Member/President/CEO of The Melissa Roth Fan Club. Since I am also the only member, I do all of the secretarial and treasury work, as well. It's getting to be too much for me, so I'm currently accepting applications for the positions of Secretary and Treasurer. But, a warning: we have a very rigorous screening process. :-)

Yeah, she is seriously wearing that. Melissa is the one jumping with the crazy hair. Lol, NOT. She's holding the sign.

Carmen totally hooked it up with better Troubled Hubble pics. She is a much better stalker than me. :-) We love tambourines, especially green and pink ones.  Posted by Hello

Monday, June 06, 2005

Troubled Hubble obscured by freakishly tall indie boy and girl Posted by Hello

Musical Stalkalicious Weekend

So, how glad was I that my old bud Carmen could come back for the weekend? She came from what is known as "the real world." I've heard it's quite scary. We got to hit up a free concert at my school, that was featuring The Wrens, Troubled Hubble, Fizzgig, and Southeast Engine, among others. All the bands rocked, but my favs were definitely Troubled Hubble and The Wrens. I'm bummed I was too late to see Southeast Engine, but I saw them last year, and they're great live.

Troubled Hubble will forever be a favorite. I will probably start stalking them online (I already became a Myspace friend of theirs). I just realized what a loser I am for writing that, lol. Anyway, they are a rocking band and showed us their tour bus and gave us ice cream and snowcones. They were hanging around with The Wrens for a few shows, and are soon going to open for Maximo Park. If you get a chance to see them live, I suggest you do it. They're great. I took some pictures, but they turned out terribly because these tall indie kids kept getting in the way. And where did all these indie people come from in Athens? Athens has mostly frat boys and hippies. I think they were bussed in for the concert. But I enjoyed it, at any rate.

The Wrens rocked quite hard. They started off chill and then just totally ripped it up. I was kind of bummed that they didn't play She Sends Kisses, but...then they ended with it for the encore.

I also saw an old stalkee there, Jim. Go check out his promotional company! He rules.

Dodge has some Wrens tunes that you should definitely check out. Especially "I Guess We're Done." It was one of the highlights of the show. Carmen kept saying how "pretty" it was, ha ha. Which it is. And I don't know where Dodge got that mp3?! I thought they said while they were playing it that it was on an upcoming EP that wasn't available yet. OH, I just realized...bloggers are "cool" and get things before everyone else :-).

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Worst Blogger Ever

Sorry about the lack of postings. I have exams this week, so I've been totally sporatic about when I've actually been on the internet and whatnot.

In case you were wondering; yes, I do get my vocabulary solely from Clueless. I also make the little W with my fingers when I say "Whatever."

Friday, June 03, 2005

A Good Stalk

Obviously, I do enjoy a good stalk now and then.

But I don't think I've ever mentioned my love for Gawker Stalker. Sometimes, it is my whole reason for getting out of bed in the morning :-). This last one was particularly entertaining.

THIS one is the best ever, though. Scroll to the bottom to get the Bronson Pichot part. You really can never have to many references to Perfect Strangers in a week.

Perfect Strangers theme song (while you listen, imagine Balki and Cousin Larry Appleton running around Chicago, doing all kinds of crazy stuff).

I found this song (via and I have no idea who it's by, but I really like it. I think it's by a band called Schwa?? Is that a band? I have no idea. But it's kind of sticking in my head. It's got a very Velvet Underground feel, with creepy stalker undertones.

I Just Want to Stalk Martha Stewart

I was looking everywhere for an mp3 of "DUI" by Har Mar Superstar, to pay homage to the crazy drunken conversation I had with my stalkee the other night. He heard every random thought that came into my head, including, but not limited to, the fact that I am in love with him and that I met Beck that night and talked to him for forever (who is apparently a very cool guy).