A Good Stalk
Obviously, I do enjoy a good stalk now and then.
But I don't think I've ever mentioned my love for Gawker Stalker. Sometimes, it is my whole reason for getting out of bed in the morning :-). This last one was particularly entertaining.
THIS one is the best ever, though. Scroll to the bottom to get the Bronson Pichot part. You really can never have to many references to Perfect Strangers in a week.
Perfect Strangers theme song (while you listen, imagine Balki and Cousin Larry Appleton running around Chicago, doing all kinds of crazy stuff).
I found this song (via Jepstone.net) and I have no idea who it's by, but I really like it. I think it's by a band called Schwa?? Is that a band? I have no idea. But it's kind of sticking in my head. It's got a very Velvet Underground feel, with creepy stalker undertones.
I Just Want to Stalk Martha Stewart
I was looking everywhere for an mp3 of "DUI" by Har Mar Superstar, to pay homage to the crazy drunken conversation I had with my stalkee the other night. He heard every random thought that came into my head, including, but not limited to, the fact that I am in love with him and that I met Beck that night and talked to him for forever (who is apparently a very cool guy).
But I don't think I've ever mentioned my love for Gawker Stalker. Sometimes, it is my whole reason for getting out of bed in the morning :-). This last one was particularly entertaining.
THIS one is the best ever, though. Scroll to the bottom to get the Bronson Pichot part. You really can never have to many references to Perfect Strangers in a week.
Perfect Strangers theme song (while you listen, imagine Balki and Cousin Larry Appleton running around Chicago, doing all kinds of crazy stuff).
I found this song (via Jepstone.net) and I have no idea who it's by, but I really like it. I think it's by a band called Schwa?? Is that a band? I have no idea. But it's kind of sticking in my head. It's got a very Velvet Underground feel, with creepy stalker undertones.
I Just Want to Stalk Martha Stewart
I was looking everywhere for an mp3 of "DUI" by Har Mar Superstar, to pay homage to the crazy drunken conversation I had with my stalkee the other night. He heard every random thought that came into my head, including, but not limited to, the fact that I am in love with him and that I met Beck that night and talked to him for forever (who is apparently a very cool guy).
CommentsThis is great I got here via some mp3 site but refreshing compared to blogs where people are posting pictures of their cats or monitoring their weightloss.
Cooper, at
6:09 PM
Commentsi've got that "DUI" mp3 if you still want it.
p.s. perfect strangers and alf were my two very favorite shows of their time!
Anonymous, at
3:21 PM
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